第373期 2012年3月28日


關於「貿易通e-訊」:「貿易通e-訊」是貿易通電子貿易有限公司(「貿易通」)定期透過電郵向客戶提供有關電子商貿最新發展的免費通訊。 如客戶仍未訂閱「貿易通e-訊」,請按此。 如客戶不想再收到「貿易通e-訊」,請發電郵至corpcom@tradelink.com.hk,並於主旨欄填上「取消訂閱」如客戶不欲再收到是次活動合作機構(如協辦機構、贊助機構或、活動代理等)的市場訊息,請發電郵至ms.training@tradelink.com.hk,並於主旨欄填上「取消第三方機構訊息訂閱」。如欲瀏覽更多有關貿易通的資料及服務,請按www.tradelink-ebiz.com(報關交易和資訊服務)www.tradelink.com.hk(公司網頁)。
About Tradelink eNews: Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited ("Tradelink") offers "Tradelink eNews", a free newsletter by email, to customers who are interested in keeping in touch with the latest development in e-commerce on a regular basis. Please click here if you have not yet subscribed your personal copy of the newsletter. However, if you do not wish to receive Tradelink eNews in the future, please inform us via email to corpcom@tradelink.com.hk with "unsubscribe" as the subject. If you do not want to receive messages from other relevant event parties, such as event co-organizer, sponsor, or agency in the future, please inform us via email to ms.training@tradelink.com.hk with "unsubscription from other event parties" as the subject. To learn more about Tradelink and Tradelink services, please visit www.tradelink-ebiz.com (Transaction and information services) www.tradelink.com.hk (Corporate website).
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited

11/F & 12/F, Tower B, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.

電話 Tel:(852) 2599 1600
電郵 Email:mailnet@tradelink.com.hk