貿易通2019 年年報

Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued) 財務報表附註 (續) Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Annual Report 2019 166 16 所佔聯營公司權益 下表載列聯營公司詳情,該等公司均為並無 市場報價的非上市企業實體: 附註: 廣東南方海岸科技服務有限公司乃於廣 東地區提供先進電子商貿服務的高科技 公司,能夠通過本地專業知識使本集團 有機會接觸該市場。 以上所有聯營公司均採用權益法於綜合財務 報表入賬。 16 Interest in associates The following list contains the particulars of associates, all of which are unlisted corporate entities whose quoted market price is not available: Name of associate Place of Establishment and operation Particulars of issued and paid up capital Proportion of Group’s effective interest Proportion of shares held by the Company Proportion of shares held by a Subsidiary Principal activity 聯營公司名稱 成立及營運地點 已發行及 繳足股本詳情 本集團 所佔實際權益 百分比 本公司 所持股份 百分比 附屬公司所持 股份百分比 主要業務 Guangdong Nanfang Haian Science & Technology Service Company Limited (“Nanfang”) 廣東南方海岸科技服務有限公司 ( 「南方」 ) PRC 中國 RMB10,000,000 人民幣 10,000,000 元 20% 20% — Provision of e-commerce services (Note) 提供電子商貿服務 (附註) 上海匯通供應鏈技術與運營有限公司 (“U-Link”) PRC 中國 RMB45,000,000 人民幣 45,000,000 元 26% — 26% Supply chain management development and services 供應鏈管理發展及服務 廣州易通威裕物流信息技術有限公司 ( 「易通威裕」 ) PRC 中國 RMB1,000,000 人民幣 1,000,000 元 49% 49% — Provision of e-commerce and e-logistics services 提供電子商貿及電子物流 服務 Note: Guangdong Nanfang Haian Science & Technology Service Company Limited, a high-tech company providing advanced e-commerce services in Guangdong area, enables the Group to gain exposure to this market through local expertise. All of the above associates are accounted for using the equity method in the consolidated financial statements.