
09 貿易通電子貿易有限公司  二零一九年中期報告 Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued) 管理層討論及分析 (續) 由於上文所闡釋的理由,儘管身份管理上半年的業績顯 然並不突出,我們仍能保持電子化認識你的客戶及雙重 生物認證(「雙重生物認證」)項目的強勁勢頭。於報告期 間,我們已成功完成交付多個自去年結轉的電子化認識 你的客戶項目,並簽訂數項電子化認識你的客戶及雙重 生物認證解決方案的新項目。在該等新訂單中,包括三 項分別為虛擬銀行、知名保險公司及本地銀行提供的電 子化認識你的客戶解決方案,而兩項則為本地銀行及另 一本地銀行澳門業務的雙重生物認證解決方案。能獲首 位虛擬銀行客戶及保險公司客戶訂購電子化認識你的客 戶解決方案為彼等客戶遙距開戶,我們感到欣喜。於成 功提升電子化認識你的客戶解決方案支援新香港智能身 份證後,我們將提供予該保險公司客戶的解決方案亦支 援新香港智能身份證。於報告期間,該等新訂單的工作 已展開,並已確認該等進行中項目的收益。 於下半年,憑藉金融業監管機構頒佈的最新遙距開戶及 雙重認證指引,我們將繼續向潛在客戶推廣電子化認識 你的客戶╱雙重生物認證解決方案,包括虛擬銀行、股 票經紀及保險公司,而我們一直也與這些客戶緊密合作, 並已建立穩健銷售渠道。此外,我們的目標客戶亦包括 尋求身份管理解決方案以為其客戶遙距開戶的儲值支付 工具持牌人。隨著客戶需求不斷增加,加上手頭上確實 的轉介及熱門客戶,且進行中的項目將會繼續,我們有 信心可填補上半年的不足,並驅使身份管理業務全年整 體業績向好。 其他服務業務回顧 二零一九年上半年,其他服務包括 GETS 相關服務、智能 銷 售 點 業 務 及 公 共 物 流 平 台 VSHIP ,收 益 為 港 幣 16,200,000 元,而去年同期則為港幣 9,800,000 元,增加約 65.9% 。去年上半年的其他服務收益幾乎全部僅來自 GETS 相關服務,本年度的收益則不單來自 GETS 相關業 務,亦來自智能銷售點業務,該業務產生港幣 6,200,000 元的收益。由於智能銷售點業務帶來額外收益,於報告 期間,其他服務的收益增長強勁。經過多年努力克服各 種障礙,智能銷售點業務於去年下半年開始有所收成, 增長勢頭於本年持續。誠如二零一八年年報所預告,兩 名銀行客戶向我們下更大的智能銷售點訂單,該兩名客 戶分別為主要本地銀行及母公司為中國主要商業銀行的 銀行。二零一九年上半年,智能銷售點的訂購數量較二 零一八年全年多近 50% ,使智能銷售點業務的收益顯著 增加。 GETS 相關服務業務主要包括道路貨物資料系統 (「 ROCARS 」)、為香港海關 ROCARS 提供之電話查詢中心 服務,以及為 GETS 紙張用戶提供紙張轉換電子文件服 務,收益與去年持平,維持穩定。於成本方面,除履行智 能銷售點訂單而產生更高採購成本外,亦投入更多人力 資源支持不斷增長的智能銷售點業務。因此,於二零一九 年上半年,其他服務業務分部的可呈報溢利較去年同期 的港幣 6,200,000 元增加 15.4% 至港幣 7,100,000 元。 Although the IDM results for the first half of the year were apparently not that impressive for the reasons explained above, we were able to maintain the strong momentum of our eKYC and biometric two factor authentication (“2FA”) projects. During the reporting period, we have successfully completed delivery of a couple of eKYC projects carried forward from last year and signed up several new projects for our eKYC and biometric 2FA solutions. Among these new orders, three are for eKYC solutions from a virtual bank, a renowned insurance company and a local bank, and two biometric 2FA solutions from a local bank and the other for the Macau operations of another local bank. We are pleased to have our first virtual bank customer and first insurance company customer ordering our eKYC solution for digital onboarding of their clients. Also upon successful enhancement of our eKYC solution to support the new smart HKID cards, the solution we are going to deliver to our insurance company client will also support the new smart HKID card. During the reporting period, with work already started for these new orders, revenue from these work-in-progress projects were recognized. For the second half of the year, leveraging the latest guidelines on remote onboarding and 2FA requirements issued by regulators of the finance industries, we will continue to promote our eKYC/biometric 2FA solutions to potential customers including virtual banks, stockbrokers and insurance companies with which we have been working closely and have built healthy sales pipelines. Additionally, Stored Value Facilities licensees looking for IDM solutions for remote onboarding of their clients will also be our targets. With customer demand growing and solid references and hot leads on hand, plus projects in progress which will continue, we are reasonably confident of catching up the shortfall from the first half of the year and achieving an overall positive results full year of our IDM business. Other Services Business Review For the first half of 2019, revenue of our Other Services which comprised GETS- related services, Smart PoS business and the community logistics platform VSHIP, amounted to HK$16.2 million and compared to HK$9.8 million for the same period last year, represented an increase of about 65.9%. While our Other Services revenue from first half of last year came almost all from GETS-related services only, revenue this year came not only from our GETS-related services, but also from our Smart PoS business which generated HK$6.2 million in revenue. With additional revenue from Smart PoS business, our Other Services prided strong revenue growth in the reporting period. After some years of hard work overcoming hurdles of all sorts, Smart PoS business started reaping harvest in the second half of last year and its growth momentum has continued this year. As foreshadowed in the 2018 Annual Report, our two bank customers, a major local bank and a bank whose parent is a major commercial bank in China, have placed bigger Smart PoS orders from us. For the first half of 2019, the quantity of Smart PoS ordered was almost 50% more than that in full year 2018, and hence the remarkable increase in revenue from our Smart PoS business. As for our GETS-related services business, made up of primarily our Road Cargo System (“ROCARS”), the call centre services offered to Customs & Excise Department’s ROCARS and the paper-to-electronic conversion service for our GETS paper users, it remained stable with revenue on par the level last year. On the cost side, not only higher cost of purchase was incurred to fulfil the increased Smart PoS orders, additional staff resource was also deployed to support the growing Smart PoS business. As such, for the first half of 2019, the reportable profit of the Other Services business segment increased to HK$7.1 million, or by 15.4%, compared to HK$6.2 million recorded for the same period last year.