
10 Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited  Interim Report 2019 Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued) 管理層討論及分析 (續) 我們預期智能銷售點的需求會於下半年持續增加,尤其 是從與我們正計劃簽訂較長合約期的主要本地銀行客 戶。預料 GETS 相關服務業務會持續穩定。因此,我們對 其他服務業務二零一九年下半年的前景甚為樂觀。 最後有關我們的公共物流平台 VSHIP ,該平台於二零一八 年四月開始試行,登記付貨人及物流服務供應商用戶持 續增加,平台的買賣競價亦越趨頻繁。事實上,從競價 服務起初只支援海運,到本年四月伸延至涵蓋空運報價, 請求報價(「 RFQ 」)及報價活動大幅攀升近一倍。同時, 為加強平台功能切合市場需要,我們正開發新本地╱跨 境貨運模塊,使平台可支持海陸空全部三個運輸模式的 運費報價。此新貨運服務的第一階段預期將於本年底前 推出。短期內將開發的其他新特色及功能包括貨物追蹤 以及線上付款及結算。誠如二零一八年年報所述, VSHIP 服務將繼續免費提供,直至廣大用戶欣賞我們將不斷添 加至 VSHIP 平台的服務╱特色的價值。對我們而言, VSHIP 乃供應鏈╱電子物流生態系統的策略部分,為用戶社區 提供端到端解決方案。 中國聯營公司回顧 於報告期間,由於我們的中國主要聯營公司南方的業績 有所改善,我們分佔的溢利達港幣 1,400,000 元,較去年 港幣 400,000 元多出近 3 倍。此改善主要是由於南方就其 小船艙單報關服務從二零一八年九月至二零一九年六 月,自內地地方政府收取一筆一次性付款。自二零一八 年九月開始,南方不得就小船艙單報關服務向用戶收取 收益,惟彼等與有關機關協議,於二零一八年九月至二 零一九年六月的 10 個月期間收取一筆一次性款項。收取 該筆付款後,南方將終止該不再產生收益的小船艙單報 關服務。誠如二零一八年年報所述,南方將業務重心轉 移至政府項目,迄今已取得佳績。由於已獲確定項目, 並有不錯的前景,我們不太擔心聯營公司下半年的營業 額,但須留意該等項目的邊際利潤普遍低於其小船艙單 報關服務。 財務回顧 儘管電子商貿收益減少 3.7% 至港幣 85,000,000 元及身份 管理收益減少 13.1% 至港幣 23,500,000 元,截至二零一九 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六 個 月,本 集 團 的 收 益 達 港 幣 124,700,000 元,較去年同期減少 0.3% 。然而,由於智能 銷售點業務的銷售較高,該等跌幅由其他服務收益增加 65.9% 至港幣 16,200,000 元補償。電子商貿收益下跌,主 要由於 GETS 的市場於二零一九年上半年疲弱,而身份管 理收益減少,則主要歸因於保安編碼器交付服務收益減 少,抵銷了電子化認識你的客戶及雙重生物認證解決方 案的收益增加。 For the remainder of the year, we expect continuous growing demand of our Smart PoS, in particular from our major local bank customer with whom we are working on a longer term contract. GETS-related services business is expected to continue stable. As such, we are optimistic about the outlook of our Other Services business in the second half of 2019. Last but not least, regarding our community logistics platform VSHIP, which was soft launched in April 2018, we have been ramping up not only registration of shipper and logistics service provider users, but also the bid and offer activities on the platform. Indeed since the bid and offer service initially for supporting only sea freight was extended to include air freight quotation in April this year, activities in terms of Request for Quote (“RFQ”) and Offers have climbed up significantly, at times almost doubled. At the same time, to strengthen the functionality of the platform for meeting market needs, we are developing a new domestic/cross- border trucking module so that freight quotation for the three transportation modes — air, sea and road — can all be supported by the platform. Phase 1 of this new trucking service is expected to be launched before end of the year. Other new features and functions which will be developed in the near future include track and trace of goods, and online payment and settlement. As mentioned in the 2018 Annual Report, VSHIP services will continue to be offered free of charge till users at large come to appreciate the values of our services/features which we will continue to add on the VSHIP platform. To us, VSHIP is a strategic component of our supply chain/e-logistics ecosystem with end-to-end solutions to offer to the user community. China Associate Review The performance of our major associate in China, Nanfang improved during the reporting period as our share of profit at HK$1.4 million, was almost 3 times more than the HK$0.4 million last year. The improvement was mainly due to the lump sum payment Nanfang received from the local mainland government for their river manifest declaration service between September 2018 and June 2019. While Nanfang was not allowed to collect revenue from users of their river manifest declaration service starting September 2018, they have agreement from the authority that they would receive a one-off payment for the 10-month period between September 2018 and June 2019. After receiving the payment, Nanfang will wind down the river manifest declaration service which will no longer generate revenue. As mentioned in the 2018 Annual Report, Nanfang had shifted their business focus to government projects and so far they have achieved good results. With Nanfang having projects already secured and promising prospects, we are not too concerned about the associate’s turnover for the remainder of the year, although it is mindful that the margins of these projects will generally be lower than that of the river manifest service. Financial Review The Group’s revenue for the six-month period ended 30 June 2019 came to HK$124.7 million, a decline of 0.3% over the same period last year despite drop in E-Commerce revenue by 3.7% to HK$85.0 million, and IDM revenue by 13.1% to HK$23.5 million. The declines, were, however, compensated by 65.9% increase in revenue from Other Services to HK$16.2 million due to higher sales for the Smart PoS business. The drop in E-Commerce revenue was mainly driven by the weak GETS market in the first half of 2019 while the decline in IDM revenue was largely attributed to decreased revenue in security token delivery service, which offset the increase in revenue from eKYC and 2FA solutions.