Tradelink 2019 Interim Report

Chairman’s Statement (Continued) 主席報告書 (續) 05 貿易通電子貿易有限公司  二零一九年中期報告 As for the outlook of our business for the remainder of the year, the operating environment of our GETS business is expected to stay weak. Our worst fear is that Sino-US trade tensions would escalate causing a catastrophic crash of the global economy and accelerating the slump of the Hong Kong trading activities. That said, given the stable GETS competitive landscape, our stringent cost control measures and our ability to achieve an overall price increase from customers, we are confident that our GETS business will continue to generate reasonably good profits for the Company. Furthermore, we are optimistic about the prospects of our Supply Chain Solutions, IDM and Smart PoS businesses in the rest of the year given the strong momentum built up in the first half year and with orders already secured and solid sales pipelines on hand. The years of effort we have put into diversifying our business to mitigate the risk from reliance on the GETS business is paying off as reflected in our results for the period. I, therefore, remain confident of our performance for the remainder of the year and would recommend payment of an interim dividend of HK 3.3 cents per share for the first half of 2019. This represents an about 74.4% payout of our profit for the period of HK$35.3 million, after excluding the deferred tax charge of DTTNCo at HK$1.1 million; and a 5.7% drop of the interim dividend compared to last year. Last but not least, I would like to mention the change of Tradelink E-Biz Secure Solutions Limited, which operates our Smart PoS business, to the new name Tradelink PayTech Solutions Limited in April 2019. The objective of the name change of the legal entity is to highlight our specific business focus on developing and delivering solutions to clients who want to leverage payment technology to enhance customer experience and business performance. Dr. LEE Nai Shee, Harry, S.B.S., J.P. Chairman Hong Kong, 27 August 2019 展望本年度下半年的業務, GETS 業務的經營環境預期持 續疲弱。我們最擔心中美貿易緊張局勢升溫,對全球經 濟造成災難性衝擊,使香港不景氣的貿易活動雪上加霜。 話雖如此,由於 GETS 競爭環境穩定、我們嚴格的成本控 制措施及向客戶提高整體價格的能力,我們深信, GETS 業務將繼續能為本公司貢獻相當不錯的溢利。此外,上 半年的勢頭強勁,加上手上已確定訂單及穩固的銷售渠 道,我們對供應鏈應用方案、身份管理及智能銷售點業 務於本年度下半年的前景抱持樂觀態度。就如本期間業 績所反映,我們歷年致力將業務多元化以減少依賴 GETS 業務的風險已見成效。 因此,本人對本年度下半年的表現仍滿懷信心,並建議 派付二零一九年上半年中期股息每股 3.3 港仙,相當於期 內溢利港幣 35,300,000 元(撇除 DTTNCo 遞延稅項支出港幣 1,100,000 元)約 74.4% ,較去年的中期股息減少 5.7% 。 最後,本人謹此提述,於二零一九年四月,經營智能銷 售點業務的貿易通電子商務資訊保有限公司已更名為貿 易通金融支付科技有限公司。更改法律實體的名稱旨在 強調其特有業務重點,乃為有意憑藉付款科技提高客戶 體驗及業務表現的客戶開發及提供解決方案。 主席 李乃熺博士, S.B.S., J.P. 香港,二零一九年八月二十七日